When Prototype and Freelance Interchange: Home Shops cars on the Onondaga Cutoff

© 2021 DAVE ABELES - Guest Author

Railroading is railroading, and modeling railroading is what takes a layout to the next level. What makes models from Home Shops special is that their cars model railroading in scale and with iconic freelance layout road names on world-class, time-tested scale models.

The logos, paint schemes and lettering on Home Shops cars helps add to the sense of realism in a consist. Sure, these are freelanced roads, but with tasteful decoration and color selection they fit the bill. Applied in a manner consistent with the typical prototype, they make visual sense. On the Onondaga Cutoff, cars from West Falls Northern and Arkansas Valley seamlessly added to operations - their bright but plausible paint jobs made them a natural fit.

You’ll find the quality of the models as top-grade as the paint. In a world where the variety of cars on freight trains remains extensive, your consists can benefit from these cars too. Take a look and add some prototype-freelance flavor to your layout or collection with Home Shops models!

Barley loads are about to arrive at Onondaga Yard in train COSE (Columbus, OH to Selkirk, NY) on a warm September 12, 1994, in neat-looking cars lettered for Daniel Archer’s West Falls Northern and Joe Loggans’ Arkansas Valley from Home Shops LLC. These cars will be classified here to the Minoa & Euclid Railway for delivery to consignee Doelger Brewing. We’ll be railfanning this move over the next few days!

As part of last night’s live operation broadcast by the Australasian Region of the NMRA, Minoa & Euclid Railway’s Alcos have assembled outbound train ME-1 at Onondaga Yard. The private hoppers painted by Home Shops LLC. are leased from the Arkansas Valley and the West Falls Northern. They were dropped by train COSE this morning and the barley is now about to start the last leg of the journey to Peter Doelger Brewery.

Barley loads headed south on the Minoa & Euclid on the last leg of the journey to Peter Doelger Brewing shine in afternoon light. Home Shops LLC decorated the Tangent models, and they look right at home here!

After all those miles, the West Falls Northern and Arkansas Valley covered hoppers of Midwestern barley are being spotted at Peter Doelger Brewery in Euclid, NY. The M&E uses RS-3 81, painted in a CN Heritage Paint Job, to place the loads at the customer. It’s been a long trip for these new Home Shops LLC cars, but make no mistake: it’s what they’re built to do. The road continues!

A final post about Home Shops Inc. cars as the West Falls Northern and Arkansas Valley covered hopper empties move west on Conrail’s SEEL train for another load. Thanks to Home Shops LLC for including the Onondaga Cutoff on the Ambassador Fleet tour!
