The VALUE is in the DETAILS!

Insight found on Brian Banna's YouTube Channel

Copper State Railway PS-4750 covered hopper cars on display at the 2022 St. Louis RPM.

Copper State Railway PS-4750's weathered by Butch Eyler and David Rodriguez on display at the 2022 St. Louis RPM!

For those of you who may be unaware, Brian Banna has a YouTube channel with some very helpful information regarding the craftsmanship that goes into this great hobby.  Mr. Banna is also the creator of the freelance Copper State Railway which is one of the seven freelance railroads offered in the very first Home Shops freight car release!

Of particular interest is a video he posted titled: "TANGENT PS2 4750 BUILD".  That's right, while you can buy these cars which comprise roughly 150 separate pieces already assembled and painted, Brian decided to assemble one of these amazing Tangent Scale Models hopper cars which he purchased in kit form.  It is no wonder that this video is 3'50" long!

While the expectation is not that the viewer will watch the entire video uninterrupted, there is great value in the thought process and assembly methods expressed by Brian.  If you are constructing one of these kits yourself, this video is an invaluable resource!  Below is the link to this video:

We often take for granted the research, tooling, material, components, and labor that go into the Ready-To-Run models we have the ability to purchase today.  This video puts into perspective concerns about the cost of these really stunning models!

Brian has appropriately named his YouTube video series "MODELING TIME WITH BRIAN BANNA".  We highly recommend that you check out his YouTube Channel and be sure to subscribe!  

As for the production Home Shops/Tangent Scale Models Copper State Railway PS-4750 covered hopper cars, they are on-track to becoming the second road name to sell out.  (The Arkansas Valley cars have already SOLD OUT)!  At $54.95 each, that averages to approximately 37 cents per component...not to mention all of the labor that goes into painting and assembly.

Produced in four road numbers, supply is running low.  If you want to add a Copper State Railway car from the very first factory offering to your fleet, click on the products below to order yours. 

It is awesome to see members of the Home Shops community contributing to this great hobby!  We look forward to working with Brian Banna and Matt Martin to bring future Copper State Railway projects to life!

Photo of a Copper State Railway train by Matt Martin!
